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Emma + John Paul | The Lake House on Canandaigua Wedding Video

My heart is doing jumping jacks over here with this couple and this wedding video! Let’s start with the lovely bride and groom. Emma and John Paul met in high school at a super bowl party. As you can see in their wedding video, they didn’t necessarily have the greatest first impression of each other. At least Emma didn’t! But after a little while she agreed to go on a date with him. Soon after they were spending a lot of time together and their long and winding story began.

Through the rest of high school and their college years, Emma and JP always had a connection with each other. After college, Emma went to San Fransisco and lived out there for 6 years. But still, her and JP had some invisible string connecting them to each other. After 6 years in SF Emma returned home in New York and the two of them decided to renew their relationship.

They enjoyed visiting the Finger Lakes region and on one of their trips as they recommitted to their relationship together, they visited The Lake House on Canandaigua. JP joked that this would be a great place to get married. A few years later, here they are! Tying the knot at a place so special to them after a long 16 year story in the making.

I was especially excited to film their wedding here as Canandaigua Lake also holds a special place in my heart. My husband and I had our very first date just a couple hundred feet away from the spot that The Lake House on Canandaigua now stands. The venue was not there when we went on our first date in 2004 but the boardwalk in which you can see the bride and groom walk on in this video was there. In fact we got our engagement pictures done on that very same dock! It was great to go back to the beginning of my story and get to hear this wonderful history of this fun-loving couple.

The entire wedding was absolutely beautiful. From the details at the reception to how sweet and comfortable the bride and groom were together, I loved so much of it. I was honored to be part of this day and to capture a piece of their story!





Emma + John Paul | The Lake House on Canandaigua Wedding Video

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