Just A Mom
My kids are on spring break. My husband had spring break last week, so it’s just me and the kids at home. Thankfully, I have a very light spring for work so I was easily able to clear my schedule for the week. This is the first “work” thing I’ve done all week. And by “work” I mean right now writing these blog posts are more of a hobby than anything. Regardless, I had in my heart to be “just a mom” for this entire week.
And it’s amazing.
It’s enough.
It’s fulfilling. Enriching. Rewarding.
We’ve played basketball at the local courts. We swung on a rope swing at the nature center. We’ve read books together. We went on a bike ride. We rode down to the local park and read a chapter book while sitting on a tree log that jutted out over the river. We explored new waterfalls. Xander flew his drone. Kenzie has been sketching and journaling. I had an amazing heart to heart with Kenzie about some really big life things. We have slow mornings cuddling in bed and starting our days quiet with us all reading our own books. We’ve taken Zeke for walks. We stopped to listen to the birds chirp and looked at the clouds forming in the sky. We burned dead leaves using the magnifying glass and sunlight trick. We’ve largely been completely technology free outside of taking pictures and videos of our adventures. I have no doubt in my mind that THIS is exactly what I was supposed to be doing this week.
I’m such a DO-er. I always feel the need to “be productive” or “accomplish something.” I’ve often felt the need to prove my worth with work I’ve completed. A good day has often been defined as how many things I crossed off the to-do list.
But not this week. This week I showed up for a very meaningful conversation with my daughter with nothing running in the back of my mind. I allowed my kids to swing on the rope swing for as long as they wanted, not rushing them so I could get back to editing. I have showed up, completely as mom, willing to talk, listen, play, and laugh with them. And nothing else. And that’s always enough.
love, just a mom,