the blog

I absolutely adore these three parenting habits that Mark and I engage in EVERY SINGLE DAY! These have all made a huge difference in the family we are and the humans we are raising!

3 [Daily] Parenting Habits That Made All The Difference

Today is my 36th birthday! I’m a sucker for lists and making a good number themed list. These are *MY* truths, things that I have found helpful and impactful in *MY* life. Here 36 things make me feel a little more wise than when I was young’un!

36 Life Nuggets in 36 Years

I enjoy using social media and it’s a great tool for my business. I have fun with it, use it for work, let it inspire me, BUT IT DOESN’T CONTROL ME. I feel comfortable with my screen time and here’s how I got there (and how you can too!).

How I Manage My Social Media + Screen Time (with 7+ Tips for You to Manage Yours)